La Tangueria

puro tango argentino since 1996

Programme summer 2024

GaetanThere will be 5 workshops on Wednesdays to dive  deeper into different facets of tango itself, followed by 5 workshops of neotango, vals and milonga, to further develop other dance skills and musicalities as well. To boost your tango, we recommend taking the series, but each class can also be taken separately.
For absolute beginners and those who want to review the basics, 3 discovery workshops are offered on Wednesdays, which can be taken separately or together.
For advanced dancers who want an extra challenge, we offer a one-off intensive tango escenario workshop on Tuesday 27/8. Work will be done on lifts, poses, complex and flashy figures for performances. Advanced dancers from other disciplines (salsa, bachata, contemporary…) can also participate in this workshop.

1. Series Building your tango knowledge, series for dancers with experience (basic knowledge required)

> by Gaetan (with alternating partners)

1a) Wednesday 3/7, 19h-20h20: Musicality: Make music visible in your dance
2a) Wednesday 17/7, 19h-20h20: Structure: Playing with ochos in different patterns and degrees
3a) Wednesday 31/7, 19h-20h20: Leading and following: Subtle adaptations to create completely different steps (planeo, boleo, volcadita)
4a) Wednesday 14/8, 19h-20h20: Basic fundamental repertoire: Technique and elements for the giro
5a) Wednesday 28/8, 19h-20h20: Ornaments and technique: Calesitas, how to lead, hold, turn them and ornaments for the follower

2. Deepen your further dance knowledge series for dancers with experience (basic knowledge required)

> by Gaetan (with alternating partners)
2a) Wednesday 3/7, 20h30-21h50: Neotango: sequence with multiple elements (soltada, piernazo, enganche…) in neotango musicality
2b) Wednesday 17/7, 20h30-21h50: Vals melody: melodic steps, frasing, spacing, twirling…
2c) Wednesday 31/7, 20h30-21h50: Milonga con traspié: rhythmic steps to dance to milonga con traspié
2d) Wednesday 14/8, 20h30-21h50: Vals rhythm: rhythmic patterns, interpreting the 1-2, 3-1 or 1-2-3-1
2e) Wednesday 28/8, 20h30-21h50: Milonga lisa: playful loops to dance to milonga lisa

> 20€ for 1 lesson (80 minutes) per person, or 80€ pp for a series of 5 lessons (4+1 free).
> Full package 1a-e + 2a-e: 5 x 2 lessons: 150€ pp.

3. Discover the magic of tango initiations for dancers without experience

> by Gaetan (with alternating partners)

3a) Wednesday 17/7, 18h: Discovery workshop for beginners
3b) Wednesday 31/7, 18h: Discovery workshop for beginners
3c) Wednesday 28/8, 18h: Discovery workshop for beginners

> 10€ per class (60 minutes) per person, or 25€ pp for all 3 classes.
NB. Each class can be taken separately, but if there are participants taking more workshops, a different basic element will be taught in every class.

4. Challenge yourself in a tango escenario intensive workshop for advanced dancers (min. 4 years of tango or other dance)

gaetan flavia> by Gaetan and Flavia
4) Tuesday 27/8, 19h15 – 21h15: Intensive workshop Tango escenario by Gaetan & Flavia.

> 25€ for the intensive workshop per person (120 minutes)

Reservation is required for all workshops as they take place with minimum 5, maximum 13 couples
> via

If you search a partner, put an ad on our facebook group:
The workshops will take place in La Tangueria (ground floor)
239 Chaussée de Jette
1080 Brussels (Metro Simonis/Elisabeth)


Do you have questions or a special request? Mail to or call us at +32 (0) 479 22 86 98.



Rue A. & M. Hellinckx 64
B-1083 Brussels
+32 (0) 479 22 86 98


La Tangueria
Chaussée de Jette 239
B-1080 Brussels
Metro Simonis

stay in touch