Private and correspondence address
Marisa Van Andel & Oliver Koch
Rue A. & M. Hellinckxstraat 64
B-1083 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 02 345 68 91
Cell: +32 (0)479.228 698
Profile of Marisa on Facebook
Profile of Oliver on Facebook
La Tangueria on social media
- La Tangueria Facebook (general page, for tango dancers in Belgium and around, our local events)
- La Tangueria Instagram (general page, for tango dancers in Belgium and around, limited news)
- La Tangueria Free tasters and Initiations (for not-yet-tango dancers in Belgium and around, our local events for beginners)
- La Tangueria Tango Holidays Lago Maggiore (for tango dancers, about our tango holidays abroad)
- Tangolera & Rossaspina Belgium (about our tango shoes and clothes collections in Belgium)
Our groups
- La Tangueriia group (general, for tango dancers in Belgium and around, our local events)
- La Tangueria partner search (to find a partner for our classes, workshops, holidays, ect)
- La Tangueria international (for tango dancers abroad, about our international events)
La Tangueria
Chaussée de Jette 239 * (ATTENTION, it is not avenue de Jette!)
B-1080 Brussels, Belgium
Metro: Simonis
* Ring the “Tangueria” bell and wait for the grey door to open automatically. Don’t push the door! Enter via the white door at the end of the yard on the left. To our regret cars, motorcycles and scooters are not allowed in the courtyard. To the right of the front door there is a bicycle rack. We advise you to bring the foldable bicycles inside. Please take all valuables (handbag, money, mobile phone, jewellery… ) into the dance rooms.
Please respect the order and rest of our neighbours when you are in the courtyard (avoid shouting, calling people at the other end of the courtyard, laughing out loud, holding a noisy conversation on the phone, rolling a suitcase, eating, drinking, throwing cigarette butts, etc.)..
In the Chaussée de Jette, where La Tangueria is located, parking is free of charge with a time disc (max; 2 hours). In other surrounding streets, parking is not free. Check the parking meters, because sometimes it’s also paid in the evening and on Sundays.

La Tangueria XL
c/o Jogo Vivo
Rue d’Edimbourg 16
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Metro: Porte de Namur
La Luna
Lin Petersen & Daniel Lauwens
August Van de Wielelei 65
B-2100 Antwerp (Deurne), Belgium
La Luna Facebook Group

Bank account
IBAN BE71 9790 7821 7569 to the name of Van Andel/Koch, correspondence address
BIC ARSPBE22 (Argenta)