La Tangueria

puro tango argentino since 1996

January 2025

In January, we have prepared an exciting programme of workshops for you. Don’t miss out!

–         Sunday 12/1: Workshop and Milonga
15.15-16.45: Pre-milonga workshop by Marisa and Gaetan: Subtle back sacadas for the 2 roles, usable on the dance floor.
Technique and structure of the sacada atrás, tips on how to do them without too much risk or effort.
Price: €18 pp (€2 discount on Milonga entry)
5-10pm: LA Milonga del Domingo, DJ Oliver
Fee: €10 pp (or €14 with 2 soft drinks or 1 glass of Cava included)

–         Saturday 18/1: Technical laboratory and AperiLonga
16:45-18:15: Pre-milonga laboratory by Flavia and Oliver: Applied technique for couples. In the prolongation of the individual technique labs that Flavia and Oliver gave at the end of 2024, they will join forces to welcome leaders and followers together. The content will focus on the technique and adornos that participants have learnt in Flavia’s classes.
Price: €36 per couple (€18 per person and €2 discount on Milonga entry);
NB. Single ladies with taxi-dancer provided by La Tangueria: €30 per couple (for the lady)
18h30-23h: AperiLonga, DJ Oliver
Fee: €10 pp (or €14 with 2 soft drinks or 1 glass of Cava included)

–         Sunday 26/1: Workshop with guest maestros Michela & Manuel and Milonga with Show
15.15-16.45:   Pre-milonga workshop with Michela & Manuel (Italian tango champions and guest teachers at our tango holidays Lake Maggiore): Musicality understanding the structure, interpreting legato and staccato melodies.
Price: €20 pp (€2 discount on Milonga entry)
5-10pm: LA Milonga del Domingo, DJ El Huracan
Fee: €12 pp (or €16 with 2 soft drinks or 1 glass of Cava included).

Pre-milonga workshops

During the school year, Marisa, Oliver and the other teachers of La Tangueria give workshops before the start of the regular milongas and practilongas. We alternate a variety of thematic workshops with seminars on more technical aspects and research laboratories about improvisation tools or musicality. Some workshops are for a specific level, but often the themes are intended both for tangueros with basic experience, as well as for more advanced dancers, who get personalised feedback to work more in-depth on the given subject.

Price: 18€ pp (90 min.).
Because the number of places is limited, the reservation is required via the online registration form.

To be regularly informed about our pre-milonga workshops, join our Tangueria group  or follow our Facebook Page.

Coaching sessions

To respond to a specific need of more personalised feed-back, Marisa & Oliver launched the concept of tango coaching sessions: an original approach half-way between a private class and a group workshop, organised on weekends during the daytime or before our milongas. In these coachings, we work with a maximum of 6 couples to be able to give more personal corrections to each of them. Although we start by proposing a movement or concept to the group so that everybody can get started, the aim of the sessions is rather to coach the participants in their own tango. Like in a private class, we work on posture, connection, leading/following, technique refinement, etc. rather than teaching a complex figure. Participants can also propose a theme they would like to work. Coaching sessions are for all levels, a minimum of 6 months tango is required. Often we propose 2 sessions the same day, with the same content.
Price:  36€ pp for 5 or 6 (max) couples; 40€ pp for 3 (min) or 4 couples (90 min.).
Because the number of places is limited, the reservation is required via


Upcoming coaching sessions with Marisa & Oliver facebook
> before LA Milonga del Domingo on each 4th Sunday of the month from September 2023 till June 2024 (except December), from 15:15 till 16:45.

Intensive workshops

Several times per year, we propose intensive workshops on a variety of themessuch as ladies technique, back to basics, or to work on specific subjects such as musicality, milonga, improvisation tools… For absolute and initiated beginners check our discovery weekends.

In these intensive weekends, we work in-depth during 2 sessions. According to the duration of the seminar, there sometimes is a break for drinks and cake.

Prices: 30€ pp (2 x 90 min.).
Because the number of places is limited, reservation is required via the online registration form.

Next intensive workshops by Marisa & Oliver: 

We’ll propose some again as of the Autum 2018.

temp2Workshops outside La Tangueria

In addition to the yearly tango holidays in Northern Italy, Marisa & Oliver are also regularly invited to give workshops at festivals and events organised by tango schools in Belgium and abroad.

We propose workshops about many different technical aspects, we can use sequences of tango de salón, tango fantasia, estilo milonguero, neo tango… We put the focus on musicality, or on improvisation tools, milonga, vals… we teach in English, French, Dutch, Italian, German and Spanish.

Are you interested in a workshop at your event? Contact us.

Summer workshops

In July and August, La Tangueria organises workshops for all dancers who want to continue to improve their tango skills also during the summer break. There are workshops about technique, on specific themes (barridasrebotessacadas… ) and on musicality (vals porteño, milonga).

Private classes

If you wish to get personal corrections about your dance, we advise to first try the coaching sessions, that offer extensive personal feed back and corrections to a maximum of 6 couples per session, at a lower price than a private class.

Nevertheless, you can also apply fr individual lessons. Private classes are especially useful for tangueros living abroad, very advanced dancers and professionals who have outgrown the group classes, as well as couples who need choreographies for stages, exhibitions, competitions, opening dances…

Prices depend on different criteria, therefore contact us for a quotation and to make an appointment.

Practical information

  • Unless stated otherwise, all activities take place in La Tangueria.
  • It takes 2 to tango, so you need to register with a partner (except for a private class). We can help you find one via the partner form.
  • All classes are in English and/or French; we also speak Dutch, Spanish, Italian and German.
  • Payments can be done upfront by bank transfer or the first day in cash. We don’t accept cheques, credit or bank cards.


Do you have questions or a special request? Mail to or call us at +32 (0) 479 22 86 98.



Rue A. & M. Hellinckx 64
B-1083 Brussels
+32 (0) 479 22 86 98


La Tangueria
Chaussée de Jette 239
B-1080 Brussels
Metro Simonis

stay in touch